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Thursday, September 20, 2012


To my dearest Girard DeMuro...
I'm not sure if you ever really knew how much you were loved, but I truly hope you can feel it now.  You've left a huge gaping hole in everyone's heart that knew you...feelings of overwhelming sorrow, guilt, confusion, and frustration fill our minds. Wishing you had just reached out...we would have been there to grab your hand, ALL of us!  You were/are one of the most talented, funniest, down-to-earth souls I have ever met..."The Alexander McQueen of Hair".  Me and you had so much unfinished business left to do, as I'm sure so many are feeling. You were adamant about being my personal stylist when CityDive finally took off...we dreamed about traveling to distant places together, how I would take you with me wherever I went. I wanted that so bad, and you gave me the exact support I needed.  You believed in me so much, more than anyone.  I felt that whenever we saw each other.  
I remember when we first met about 12 years ago, during the Be.Headed/Paisley Violin days, back when it was on Roosevelt. I was working at Paisley as a barista at the time, about the age of 19 or 20.  You had just thought of the Be.Headed salon concept and were so excited to create your business next store.  I was so proud of you, watching you grow your company and seeing it flourish over the years. I'll never forget when you helped throw my 21st birthday at Paisely as the DJ, what an eventful evening that was haha!  You were such an awesome DJ and musician too, talent just oozed out of you!  Was looking forward to playing that zombie along with all the other girls for your video. Me and Fuchsia were talking about getting everyone together to still create it in honor of you, hope that would be ok.

The one thing that will always stick with me, was on set during the filming of "Heartbreak and Lullabies"....You said the kindest most genuine thing to me, you said "Tondra, I'm so very proud of you, I was watching you during your scene, and you are so talented!"  I'll never forget that Girard, it meant so much coming from you, especially because you've known me for so long and knew where I came from.  I could really feel that you were proud of me.  You gave me an extra boost of confidence for each scene of that film and made me feel like a beautiful star because of the fabulous job you did with my hair!  You, your sweet heart, your beautiful soul, and all your amazing work will be forever immortalized in all of us...We will never ever ever forget you Girard Demuro. We love and cherish everything that you are!!! Rest in peace my love, can't wait to see you again on the other side...

                                    Strolling around downtown Phoenix together

Documenting Girard doin me up for my last scene :)
Some of the hair Girard did for "Heartbreak and Lullabies"
Me and Fuschia Angel on set, photo by Girard

 Us during a CityDive episode!

Love you forever babe...

 We will be holding a candle light vigil and service of remembrance and respect to Girard this Friday at 8:30 pm at Cityscape in downtown Phoenix. Please bring a white candle.

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